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Singapore International Architecture and Building Materials Exhibition

Source:    Time:2023-04-05    Click:659    [ Close ]

BEX Asia is an exhibition aimed at building projects in the Southeast Asian market, showcasing new building materials, designs, and solutions for environmental protection and sustainable development. The exhibition attracts industry professionals, experts, and major buyers from the construction industry. Participating in the exhibition has the opportunity to learn more industry information, establish a network of relationships, and explore more business opportunities brought by emerging economies in Southeast Asia.

The Singapore International Building and Building Materials Exhibition (BEX Asia), along with the Singapore Innovation Building Exhibition (IB), Smart Cities and Buildings Asia (SCB), and the Singapore International Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, and Heating Technology Exhibition (MCE), were held simultaneously during the International Building Environment Week (IBEW).

The hosting of BEX Asia has received strong support from various industry institutions in Singapore. The Singapore Building Association (SIA), the Building and Construction Council (BCA), and the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) have all expressed their strong support and assistance in organizing and hosting the exhibition, and have launched a "one-stop" procurement.

The exhibition has participated in numerous countries, including China, Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam. The exhibition also attracted many industry experts and decision-makers, including architects, designers, contractors, real estate developers, construction technicians, government officials and experts, as well as industry insiders.

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